How to raise a confident child

A self-confident person is able to achieve success in all spheres of life. However, whether an adult will doubt his abilities or not is determined by his upbringing. Parents have an important influence on the formation of personality, as the child spends a lot of time with them and considers their opinion authoritative, if not uniformly correct.
Unfortunately, children who have not received enough love and support from their closest ones in such a crucial period of life are often afraid to make a mistake or fail, which is why they cannot achieve success, even if they are very talented and intelligent.

[b]So what is the secret of successfully raising a confident child?[/b]
First of all, you should not overly protect your child from all the failures that may lie in wait for him in life. People learn best from their mistakes, and that's a fact. Even if you explain to a child a million times how to act in a certain situation, it will be better for him to feel it on his own. After all, life's adversities and problems will arise throughout life, and the skill to solve them should be developed in childhood.

It is necessary to allow your child to do as he sees fit, and then discuss whether it was right to do one way or another. It's not worth doing all the hard work for him, there can be no exceptions. Let mistakes be perceived solely as a way of self-improvement, then children will not be afraid to make them and will know how to cope with problems.
Parents should appreciate any efforts, regardless of whether they have led to success or not. It is useful to focus on the process, not the result, because any attempt is worthy of respect.

We should never forget that children are children, and they will not behave like adults, no matter how much parents would like it. If you expect them to do things that adults would do, you will have to wait a very long time. And this is good, because children can do it their own way, and this is much more valuable.

The most important thing that parents can do for their child is to constantly support him in everything. Even if it seems that some problem is petty and not important, it is not so for children. They are maximalists, and everyone used to be the same. When every little thing is the end of the world. It is necessary to show love and warmth, to make it clear that support is nearby. Do not criticize in any case! Criticism undermines self-esteem the most. Do not compare with others, because every child is unique.
Parents need to become a real authority, whose opinion you can listen to and trust him. However, the main thing is not to overdo it with rigor, otherwise you can scare and push away for life.

If you believe in your children with all your heart, they will definitely feel it and will respond with openness, responsibility for their actions and gratitude for support. Do not forget to thank your children for nice words and deeds: so they will focus on the positive and multiply it.
If you surround children with universal love and support, they will surely grow up to be self-confident, successful people. Se já entende do jogo mas ainda assim procura uma estrategia de fortune tiger, fez o correto. Independente de qualquer coisa, conhecimento nunca é demais! Confira as nossas dicar - ! Muito apostador tenta arranjar a sua estratégia, e por muitas vezes a sua não vai resultar com outra pessoa e vice versa. Separamos aqui algumas para você testar e ver qual mais se adequa ao seu estilo de jogo.

